Transport Bags
Transport bags - usually made of very strong nylon fabric, sometimes with a hard cardboard inner part, which not only keeps the shape of the bag, but also provides additional protection against shocks or other physical effects. May have other various padding. Depending on the model and the purpose of the stored item, transport bags have carrying handles, straps, built-in wheels. The bags are perfect not only for traveling by plane or car, but they are also convenient for storing stands, constructions or their parts. Transport bags are general-purpose or purpose-built, adapted to a specific item (e.g. posters, lamps, frames and planes, floor stands, brochure cases, banners, etc.). You will transport the items stored in the bag safely and extend their service life! Manufacturers provide a warranty of up to 7 years!
1 - 26 of 26A bag for a shelf or table topCode: MAR-5069Height6 cm
Depth25 cm
Width44 cm
Bag with handle for ISOframe table tops and shelves
Price 46 € VAT excl.Price 135 € VAT excl.Price 115 € VAT excl.Price 125 € VAT excl.Price 300 € VAT excl.Bag for construction SnapUp StretchCode: MAR-5058Nylon bag for construction with strap and handles
Price 120 € VAT excl.Bag For constructions on wheelsCode: MAR-IS-TC-02-MBHeight110 cm
Depth16 cm
Width32 cm
Bag for constructions ISOframe
Price 323 € VAT excl.Price 113 € - 145 € VAT excl.Bag for LampsCode: MAR-5065The nylon bag with padding is designed to accommodate two LED or Halogen lamps
Price 65 € VAT excl.Price 37 € - 40 € VAT excl.Price 50 € - 60 € VAT excl.Bag for Posters (Maxi)Code: MAR-IS-5062Height89 cm
Depth30 cm
Width30 cm
Bag for posters ISOframe Big
Price 151 € VAT excl.Bag for Posters (Mini)Code: MAR-5061Height90 cm
Depth25,5 cm
Width25,5 cm
Bag for posters ISOframe Small
Price 115 € VAT excl.Bag for postsCode: MAR-5056Height12 cm
Depth12 cm
Width85 cm
Bag with handle for ISOframe beams
Price 35 € VAT excl.Bag for shelves and table tops (IS-80-TB03)Code: MAR-IS-80-TB03Black bag with handle for ISOframe worktops and shelves
Price 85 € VAT excl.Bag for Wave feetsCode: MAR-5055Height17 cm
Depth4 cm
Width38 cm
A bag with a handle for ISOframe feets
Price 20 € VAT excl.Bag for Wave linksCode: MAR-5054Height17 cm
Depth9 cm
Width80 cm
A bag with a handle for ISOframe links
Price 25 € VAT excl.Price 45 € VAT excl.Price 108 € VAT excl.Price 90 € - 115 € VAT excl.Wheeled bag EXTRA (Kopija)Code: SDD-BAG-TrolleyDepth33 cm
Width132 cm
Black hard shell bag with wheels and handle
Price 110 € - 160 € VAT excl.Wheeled bag TROLLEY CASECode: SDD-BAG-Trolley-CaseHeight94 cm
Depth35 cm
Black bag with wheels and retractable handle
Price 204 € - 282 € VAT excl.Wheeled bag TROLLEY SOFTCode: SDD-STHeight115 cm
Depth20 cm
Width42 cm
Soft-shell transport bag with dual wheels
Price 117 € VAT excl. -
Bags are intended for posters, graphic printing, stands and parts of their structures, lamps, brochure stands, floor stands, frames, banners, etc.